Stanningley Primary School

Respect and Pride

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Children  »  Class Pages 2024 - 25  »  Year 3 Class Page


Class 3 had a very special visitor to wish them all a very merry christmas !

Christmas Party

What a fantastic party day we had! We played games in the hall, enjoyed party food & even had a visit from Santa !


In Design Technology, the children had to design and create a Christmas Tree Decoration that could hold a chocolate coin. As you can see they all did a great job and showed off their sewing skills.

Christmas Performance

Year's 3 & 4 took part in our annual Christmas performance of Hosanna Rock. The show was fantastic & everyone was so proud!


The children have being working hard in their weekly music sessions with Mrs Rivers.

Stone Age camp

We're learning about the Stone Age and reading a book called Stone Age Boy. Here we are acting out actions that might take place in a stone age encampment. Can you work out what we are doing?

Lantern workshop

Working with our visitors from Creative Communities, we made these beautiful lanterns, ready for the Friends of Stanningley Park Lantern Festival.


Here we are investigating and drawing rocks as part of our Science topic. Don't we look busy and interested?

Roald Dahl Day

On 13th September, Roald Dahl's birthday, the children were invited to some in costume to celebrate Roald Dahl Day. We were blown away by the effort and invention we saw.