Stanningley Primary School

Respect and Pride

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Children  »  Class Pages 2024 - 25  »  Year 5 Class Page

Science - Nght and Day

We have been finding out why we get night and day. We used a torch to represent the sun and our friends heads to be the earth. We were very careful not to shine the torch in each others eyes! We found out that wherever the sun shone it was daytime.

Christmas Celebrations

We had a great Christmas Dinner today, served by the teachers. We also played some party games with our PE elf!


In music today we had fun using the Boomwackers to make Christmas tunes.

St Vincent's Internet Safety and Gangs workshop.

Marcus from St Vincent's gave us a great session on internet safety and then the following week talked to us about the dangers of getting involved with gangs. He gave us lots of practical advice to keep oursleves safe.

Science - Earth and Space

We learnt that people used to think that the Earth was the centre of the universe[a geocentric view]. We now know that it is actualy the sun [a helioecentric view]. We had fun recreating these models in the playground.

Science - Friction

We investigated the friction that different surfaces gave by using a tyre and a weight. It got pretty muddy!

Rail Safety

We had a visit from Mrs Kingdom who told us how to be safe around trains. We learnt that we should stay away from train tracks as they are incredibly dangerous. Thne we looked at different jobs withing the railways and had fun dressing up!


We have been screenprinting today. We designed patterns based on the Kente cloth designs we have been studying.

Odd Sock Day

Today we wore odd socks to celebrate the fact that we are all different but that that is ok. This was the start of our Peace Week, were we do lots of activities to think about treating each other respectfully.

Science - water resistance

We looked at how we can increase an objects area to increase its water resistance. We also looked at the shape of different boats to see which cut through the water better.

Science Air resistance

We have been investigating air resistance by making parachutes of differnet sizes and seeing how long it took them to fall to the ground.

School Council Elections

Today we voted for our new school councillors.

School Council Speeches

We have been writing persuasive speeches to convince our classmates to vote for us as their new school councillors. We then performed these to the class.


This term we have been improving our cricket skills with Jordan from Chance2Shine Cricket.