Stanningley Primary School

Respect and Pride

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Hub 2 (Mr Carney and Mrs Abram) Individual Photographs
Hub 3 (Mr Harington and Mrs White) Individual Photographs

Here are the individual photographs of the children collecting their Best Books following the Leavers Picnic.

Hub 1 (Miss Soanes, Mrs Davies and Mrs Tillotson) Individual Photographs

Here are the individual photographs of the children collecting their Best Books following the Leavers' Picnic.

Year Six Leavers' Picnic 2020

Wow! What an AMAZING end to a very unusual year! The children had a fantastic time today celebrating and sharing their achievements whilst at Stanningley Primary School. It was so lovely to see the smiles on their faces and we all felt incredibly proud of EVERY SINGLE child. There was so much dancing, singing and delicious food and the children really did have so much fun. They are all bringing home some lovely items that they can look back on to remember their Primary School years in the future too! We would like to take this opportunity to say THANK YOU to all of you for your support this year. We know that all of the children are going to LOVE High School and that they all have a very bright future ahead of themselves. Enjoy the well-deserved summer break!

16.3.20 - D-SIDE Drug Awareness Team - Healthy Week
5.3.20 - World Book Day

What a fantastic effort all children made with their World Book Day costumes this year! Everyone looked fantastic and had a fantastic time re-writing their own character's story!

2.3.20 - Book Week - 'Moving Words' Romeo and Juliet

To begin our annual Book Week at Stanningley Primary, the children in Year Five and Year Six enjoyed being introduced to our class text (Romeo and Juliet) through a performance based workshop led by Colin, Julie and Adam from 'Moving Words'. All of the children were amazing and learnt so much during the session whilst thoroughly enjoying themselves! Thank you to all of the adults from home that were able to attend the performance at the end of the day too!

14.2.20 - Stanningley's Got Talent!

A HUGE well done to all of the children in Year Six who performed at our talent show this year. The children were incredibly creative and very brave! They were stars and should feel very proud of themselves!

Spring 1 - Cooking in the Curriculum

This term, Year Six have been enjoying 'Cooking in the Curriculum' with Miss Di and Miss Hudson. All of the children have learnt how to prepare and make a healthy meal safely and independently whilst furthering their understanding of where our food comes from.

2.12.19 - The National Holocaust Museum Workshop

Today, Class 6 welcomed the National Holocaust Museum to Stanningley Primary! The museum is based in Nottingham and is England's only museum dedicated to teaching people about the brutalities of the Holocaust and what led to such a terrible event. Within the whole day session, the children focussed on what led to the Holocaust and some of the reasons for this. We heard stories from survivors who travelled from Germany to Eng;and on the Kinder Transport BEFORE the war began (because of how uncertain their futures were looking). It was amazing to handle artefacts and have a chance to hear factual accounts from people that had so much to say. The children were super and learnt so much!

21.11.19 - Music - Composition and Keyboards!

This term, the children have been working on their own compositions for a piece of music to be played using a keyboard. Today, the children had the opportunity to use the keyboards for the very first time and they absolutely loved it! The room was very loud indeed!

25.10.19 - Science - Natural Selection Investigation

Today, the children carried out an investigation to help prove that Darwin's theory of natural selection on the Galapagos Islands is indeed true! The children studied the different finches that Darwin came across on the various islands and the different beak types they had. They found out that the finches could only survive on islands where their beak enabled them to eat certain food types. In our investigation, we proved that finches with crushing beaks (see chopstick images!) would be able to survive on islands that are rich in seeds but that finches with probing beaks (chopsticks) would not because of that fact that they could barely pick any seeds up with the chopsticks! Lots of learning in a very fun and creating way!

Robinwood 2019 - Valley Group

The children in Valley group had a fantastic stay at Robinwood. They gave their all in every activity and showed AMAZING teamwork throughout. It goes without saying that they have all made memories that will last a lifetime!

Robinwood 2019 - Hill Group

Today, the children took part in Alien Conspiracy, Trapeze and the Team Challenge. Every single child tried their very hardest and have had a super first day! There are lots of tired children going to bed this evening!

Robinwood 2019 - Wood Group

Day one at Robinwood has been FANTASTIC! The children took part in the Trapeze Challenge, Piranha Pool, Archery and Team Challenge! Everyone has been AMAZING and have all gone to bed very tired indeed! Day two involved the children starting the day completing Alien Conspiracy through the woodland. After that, they completed Caving, Crate Challenge and the Dungeon of Doom! This evening, the group were amazing during the Climbing Wall session! Every child pushed themselves to reach the top and were so proud of their achievements.

7.10.19 - Black History Workshop

Today, we welcomed Colin, Julie and Adam from Moving Words back to SPS. The children were incredibly lucky to be involved in a performance based workshop about our Black History topic on slavery. EVERYONE was amazing and it was so lovely to be able to share our work with adults from home too! Thank you to those of you who were able to attend.

4.10.19 - Science - Adaptation
20.9.19 - Art - Observational Drawing
18.9.19 - Learn to Ride

Today, a group of children spent the morning learning how to ride a bike/improve their confidence having not ridden for a while. The children were all AMAZING and showed fantastic patience and resilience. By the end of the session, the instructor even said that some of the children could easily complete the Bikeability levels now! Well done to all!

17.9.19 - 18.9.19 Bikeability

The children in Group Two had a fantastic time completed their Bikeability Level One and Level Two challenges. This involved initial cycle training and safety activities in the playgroup and was followed by cycling challenges in the local area. All children were amazing and should feel very proud of what they achieved!

16.9.19 - 17.9.19 Bikeability (Group One)

This week, Year 6 children are taking part in Bikeability sessions. By the end of the week, the aim is for ALL children to have completed Level One and many will even progress to Level Two. These sessions enable children to become equipped with the knowledge needed to ride a bike safely within the local community (including roads!). They should also become much ore confident on their bikes and therefore, more likely to continue using bikes as a mode of transport!