Stanningley Primary School

Respect and Pride

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Curriculum Information  »  Science

At Stanningley the science curriculum has been carefully planned to provide regular opportunities for children to develop both their rich substantive knowledge, but also the disciplinary skills of a scientist. Science at Stanningley provides an exciting and meaningful way for our children to explore and understand the world around them; through different units of work, it is taught using a skills and knowledge-based approach, which is underpinned by the National Curriculum, with a large emphasis on working scientifically, focusing on the 5 enquiry types: 

  • Research using secondary sources. 
  • Comparative and fair testing 
  • Observing over time. 
  • Pattern seeking. 
  • Identifying, classifying and grouping 

Learning is brought to life through investigations and experiments which allow children to test hypotheses, make predictions, carry out fair tests and draw conclusions. Careful and appropriate assessment of skills and knowledge at the end of each science unit gives teachers a clear indication of how well their children have understood the concepts they have been taught.

Science Intent Statement
Science Yearly Curriculum Map
Science - Progression in Skills & Knowledge