Stanningley Primary School

Respect and Pride

Please ensure your contact details are kept up to date with the school office. We have care club places available on Mon, Tues, Wed and Friday please contact the school office for more information.

Curriculum Information  »  Computing

Technology has become part of everyday life. For most of us, using computers and other devices is an essential part of our daily lives whether we are at work or at home. At Stanningley Primary School we know that computing is a crucial part of the National Curriculum and can be directly linked to all other areas of the curriculum. Teaching children computing skills enables them to access these subjects in greater depth and increases their potential for success. Our curriculum is taught progressively and children build on their skills as they progress through school. As children learn to participate effectively in the digital world, we ensure, from the earliest age, that our children learn to manipulate digital devices with safety as a priority. Safety, including being safe online continues to be a key focus, as children progress through school and use digital devices more independently.
Computing Intent Statement
Computing Yearly Curriculum Map
Computing Progression in Skills & Knowledge