Stanningley Primary School

Respect and Pride

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Leeds Lieder at Pudsey Civic Hall

We were part of a 12 school Lieder Music event this week. We got to listen to some more perfomances in German, English and Italian and then we performed our verse in front of the other 11 schools. It was a great experience even though some of us were a bit nervous!

Leeds Lieder at Pudsey Civic Hall

Here is a video of our performance and some by the professionals. See if you can hear the difference!


During our Health Week we had a go at orienteering. This involved using a map of the school and trying to find 3 or 4 checkpoints as fast as you could. You had to use a dibber to prove that you had visited it. It was fast paced and lots of fun.


Experience the fun of orienteering by following some of the children as they race.

SRE session

We had our SRE lesson as part of our Health Week activities. It was a very informative lesson on what happens to us as we go through puberty. It was the first year that we have had a mixed group and we werer a very mature audience.

D Side Vaping Lesson

As part of our Health Week, our old friend, D Side Dave, came in to talk to us about the dangers of vaping. It was very interesting, informative and also worrying.

World Book day

After a day of book related activities, what better way to finish off the day than by dancing the evening away in your Book Day costume!

Leeds Lieder Visit

We had a visit from Leeds Lieder who told us all about this style of classical music. It means Art Song in German and it tells stories in different languages. We watched a performnace and then had a go at writing our own verse to perform at a performance event in April.

Leeds Lieder visit

Here are some videos taken when the Leeds Lieder group came in.

S Factor Science Competition - Class heats.

We had our class heats today for the S Factor Science competition. We had a great mix of experiments which were all performed brilliantly. Well done to those who took part!

S Factor Science Competition - Class heats.

Here are some videos of class 5's S Factor heats.

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Science - Space

As part of our space learning, we have been looking at how the planets move around the sun. We learnt that people did not always know this and used to believe that the sun and planets moved around the earth. We had a go at acting out the different models - geocentrism [earth at the centre] and heliocentrism [sun at the centre] - in the playground. We made sure that the planets were also in the correct order.

Stanningley's Got Talent

Here are year 5's Stanningley's Got Talent competition entrants. Well done to all of you!

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Alpine Day

Sadly, the school budget wouldn't stretch to taking year 5 to the Alps so we had a little taste of the Alps right here. We went on a sleighride, drank vin chaud, had a snowball fight, interviewed an alpine resident and then tried a fine selection of cheese, meat and of course chocolate!

Science - Earth and Space

We have been learning how the rotation of the earth gives us day and night. We used torches to represent the sun and our heads as Earth. Our noses were the U.K. As we turned slowly around, our partner could see how we start to get more light as our part of the earth turns to face the sun. Obviously, we were very careful not to look directly at the torchlight!

Design Technology

We were tasked with making a moving Christmas decoration that used gears to make it move. It was a challenge but we we rose to it and created some good working models.

Christmas Dinner

It was time for our annual Christmas Dinner. The staff all mucked in to serve the children their food and a good tasty time was had by all.

Christmas Cards

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas. Especially now we're making pop up cards. It was difficult, fiddly, messy and there were tears but we persevered and they turned out very well indeed.

Science - Forces - Water resistance

We made different shaped boats to discover which shape would be the fastest. We predicted that a narrow pointy shape would be the best and it should have been. We also learnt that experiments do not always work out as planned and many factors can change an outcome!

Rainbow Laces Campaign

Tom, from Bradford City came to speak to us about the FA's Rainbow Laces campaign. We had already been aware of this from our recent PSHE lesson but we learnt so much more and even got our own pair to show our support for the LGBTQ+ community.

Geography - Local field trip

Mrs White and Miss Daniel guided us around our local area. We were looking for evidence of change to go with the work we had done so far using maps of the local area form the past 130 years. Our guides had lots of knowledge about how our local area has changed. We even got to see where our school used to be before moving to it's current site.

Science - Force - friction

We have been looking at how different surfaces effect the grip of a bicycle tyre. As always, we made predictions about what we thought would happen before conducting our investigation.

Art Gallery Visit

Yr5 have had a great afternoon at Leeds Art Gallery. We explored an interesting installation by the artist Sonia Boyce and then we had a wonderful printing workshop. Within the hour we had created our own printing blocks and use them to print with some amazing results.

Science - Forces

We have been looking at air resistance and investigating whether the size of a parachute effects the time it takes to fall. Our predictions were mostly correct.


We were looking at violence within relationships. We discussed what make this happen and how we might try and change an outcome so that situations ended with a more peaceful outcome. We carefully used freezeframing to help us discuss how different people might be affected.

PE Cricket Lessons

We are working on our cricket skills this term with our new coach, Jordan. Sadly the great British weather did not play ball so we had to go in the hall but lots of fun was still had.

Scooter Training

We had the Leeds road safety team in today to teach us how to travel around by scooter safely.

School Council Voting

Today the whole school took to the polling station to cast their vote for this year's School Councilors. Congratulations to Krishiv and Lallana for being voted Class 5's representatives.

School Council Speeches

We have been writing our school council speeches and today we read them out to the class. They were very persuasive!