Stanningley Primary School

Respect and Pride

We wish you all a very good summer break and look forward to seeing you all in Spetember. 

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About Us  »  Governors

The Governing Body of Stanningley Primary School consists of 11 members - 2 staff governors (including the Headteacher), 2 Parent Governors, 1 LEA Governors and 5 Community Governors. All Governors are appointed for a 4 year term of office. The current members are:
Julie Brewer Headteacher
Louise Travis Jones Co - Chair of Governors
Chris Winstanley Co - Chair of Govenors 
Aidan Harington Teaching Staff
Alex Wibrew Co opted 
Claire Francis  Co opted 
Sarah Newby  Parent Govenor
Michelle Bartram 
Parent Govenor

All parents will be advised when a vacancy becomes available and are entitled to nominate themselves for election as a Governor. 

The Chair of Governors, and also parent governors, can be contacted via  
The Governing Body has overall responsibilty for all aspects of school life, including the curriculum, finance, staffing and building maintenance, although the day-to-day running of the school is the responsibilty of the Headteacher. One important role of the Governing Body is to challenge and support the Head and staff.


Governors Statutory Information & Register of Business Interest for School Governors.
Register of Govenors' Business and Personal Interests.