Stanningley Primary School

Respect and Pride

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About Us  »  Mission Statement


At Stanningley Primary School education is about learners experiencing the joy of discovery, solving problems and being creative, which we believe helps the children to develop their self‑confidence so that they can mature academically, socially and emotionally. The staff at our school will combine basic skills learning and high standards with a broad, balanced and rich curriculum.  Education will be the fusion of excellence and enjoyment. Becoming literate and numerate will be the backbone of our pupils’ success in learning. We will build on our strengths to serve the needs of our children using the skills of everyone in the school. This school will drive its own improvement, set its own challenging targets and recognise that for the sake of our learners we can always do better.

Learning will be focused on individual pupils’ needs and abilities. We will develop assessment for learning which empowers individuals and informs the way that children are taught and how they learn best.
All our staff and children will have high expectations and set high standards for themselves and others. Children will be treated fairly, listened to and will be encouraged to take responsibility for their choices and actions. Through care, guidance and support children will build their self-esteem, use effective emotional literacy skills and develop their confidence.
Teachers and support staff will provide a tailored approach to support all children. We will identify and give additional support to the learners that need it most. Teaching and learning will be matched to children’s physical, emotional, social, spiritual, moral and cultural development needs.
Together, staff, parents and carers will build a partnership by sharing clear information and by weaving the school into the fabric of the local community.  We believe that looking beyond the immediate area into the wider world is vital for open mindedness and our commitment to the Stephen Lawrence Education Standard will support this. 
The staff at Stanningley understand that children do better when they are excited, engaged and focused in their learning. When there is appropriate challenge, children will learn the love of learning. We want to equip every child with the skills to progress independently and become successful, responsible adults of the future.


We have used all our individual class mission statements to make this whole school mission statement. It explains our hopes and wishes about success and happiness in our school.

We will always try to come to school every day ready for learning and we will always do our best work. Respect and good manners are so important in our school – we should treat other people like we want to be treated.We are a family and will therefore work together as a team and support each other. 

We will take pride in how our school looks by looking after the equipment, sharing things and making sure everywhere is tidy. 

We promise to bring our homework back every week and put in 100% effort with our work, use good listening skills, concentrate and never give up. 

Most of all we will remember to wear a smile and have a positive attitude – so that we can make every day a good one.

We aim:

To be an inclusive school and to put into place, in all aspects of our work, those practices to ensure that all learners are given both equality and fair treatment.
  • To promote and achieve high standards for all by providing teaching and learning of the highest quality.
  • To treat learners as individuals and to differentiate teaching and learning to take account of their individual and special needs.
  • To provide well for learners’ physical, mental, social, spiritual, moral and cultural needs.
  • To provide well for learners’ care, health and safety.
  • To ensure that all learners benefit from a rich, broad, balanced curriculum presented in an interesting, exciting and imaginative manner with lots of opportunities for first-hand experience, practical work and  investigation .
  • To teach basic skills and core subjects well and to give great emphasis to the foundation subjects and RE. In particular, we should emphasise the creative aspects including art, poetry, story, dance, music, performance. These will be central to our work.
  • To make connections between subjects and to apply basic skills across the curriculum.
  • To enliven and enrich the curriculum by visits, visitors, and extensive use of the environment.
  • To give responsibility to learners and develop their self-confidence by encouraging them to contribute to the community.
  • To make parents and the wider community equal partners with the school and to involve them in the evaluation of its success.
To build an ethos marked by a welcoming, friendly, bright and lively, happy place where learners feel secure. A place where good behaviour is expected and where learners enjoy growing up. We want to make this school a place of enjoyment where success is celebrated at every possible moment for every child.