Stanningley Primary School

Respect and Pride

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Children  »  Class Pages 2024 - 25  »  Year 5 Class Page  »  Archive  »  Archive 2015/16

Class Five Mission Statement

Read Class Five's Mission Statement for the year ahead here!

20.7.16 ~ Picnic Time!

Today, the children enjoyed a 'picnic' outside in the school playground. The sun was shining and the lunch time was lovely!

20.7.16 ~ Class Five Attendance Prize

Class Five were the first class to reach the top of the attendance chart in the school hall this academic year. The children received £100 from Mrs Reid for this achievement and the money was spent on a super session with Morley Exotic Animal Rescue Centre! A snake, spider, monkey, meerkat, skunk and lizard all made an appearance and the children were able to handle all of the animals. It was a super session!

20.7.16 ~ 100% Attendance Summer Term

Well done to all who received their 100% attendance certificates and prized for attended school every day during the summer term!

8.7.16 ~ 100% Attendance Treat

Today, the children who have been to school every day during this academic year, were rewarded for their super attendance! During the day, the children enjoyed a 'Circus Skills' workshop which was amazing! After school, all of the children attended a party. The children enjoyed food and drink, games, singing, dancing and much much more! Well done to all! You should be very proud of yourselves.

5.7.16 ~ Spirit Alive 2016

Spirit Alive 2016 was simply brilliant! The children gave their all (as did some adults!) and it was a pleasure to watch the class supporting others! Well done to all!

4.7.16 ~ Spirit Alive Assembly

This morning, a group of children representing Class 5 gave a presentation about Canada - our class country for Spirit Alive! Well done to Emily, Katie, Harley, Josh, Elleni and Tia!

27.6.16 ~ The Yorkshire Wildlife Park

Year 3/4 and 5 enjoyed the summer term trip to the Yorkshire Wildlife Park today. This was such an amazing experience for all of the children. They saw so many different animals, played in superb playgrounds and enjoyed the summer sunshine together. Lots of memories will have been made today!

23.6.16 ~ Maths Reasoning

Today, the children used rods and visual representations to solve a range of calculation based problems and 'What if...?' questions. EVERY child was so focussed and learnt so much - fractions, percentages, numbers...I could go on!

Race 4 Life
7.6.16 ~ 'Clockwork' Role Play

This term, the children are reading the text 'Clockwork' by Philip Pullman. Today, to introduce the text, we enjoyed creating and performing role play of the opening to the story! We have some very skilled actors in Class 5!

25.5.16 ~ Final Samba Performance!

To complete our unit of work on the genre of Samba, the class were asked to perform to the nursery children. Class Five performed the BEST YET and the nursery children were blown away!

20.5.16 ~ NSPCC Workshop

Today, volunteers from the NSPCC followed up the assembly from earlier in the week with a workshop for Class Five and Class Six. The children learnt all about staying safe and their rights as a child. The volunteers were super and I feel that the children really enjoyed the session.

18.5.16 ~ Class Five Assembly

This term was Class Five's final assembly! The children were ALL amazing...if a little emotional (totally natural!). I was so proud of each and every child and to see the amount of learning that has taken place since Christmas is phenomenal! Well done!

10.5.16 ~ Spanish

In our Spanish lessons this term, class five are learning all about the Spanish vocabulary for various foods. The children enjoyed role play ordering various food choices from a menu, interactive quiz time and designing their own fruit bowl!

9.5.16 ~ PE ~ Cricket

This term, in partnership with Leeds West Academy, the children in class five are focusing on the game of cricket. In today lesson, we built upon our prior learning of bowling and batting and played our first mini games!

5.5.16 ~ Visit to Rodley Nature Reserve

The sun shone as Class Five visited the Rodley Nature Reserve. The children had the opportunity to explore the reserve, enjoying activities such as pond dipping, bird watching and exploring life cycles of various plants and creatures. A super day was had and the children were amazing!

29.4.16 ~ PE ~ Tri-Golf

As the weather was against us today (snow!), we were able to get the tri-golf sets out for an indoor PE lesson. The children learnt how to use the equipment sensibly and safely, and how to work as a team supporting one another to make progress throughout the lesson! All of the class love playing with the tri-golf equipment and learning new skills - we are very lucky!

27.4.16 ~ Music

This term, the children are learning all about samba music! Today, we learnt about various rhythms and how they can complement one another. The room was incredibly noisy with the sound of lots of different instruments, but what a super sound it was!

31.3.16 ~ Body Image

In the second and third session delived by Emma Newton from the School Well-being Service, the children explored the impact of social media and how to ensure that they are using it safely. They were also involved in some super activities linked to body image, and how the modern world can change our perspective of what is beautiful about ourselves! The maturity today was phenomenal -

31.3.16 ~ Promoting Positive Realtionships

In the forth session delivered by Emma Newton from the School Well-being Service, the children explored what a positive relationship is. We looked at friendships and the ways in which males and females can be 'stereotyped'. This was an incredibly useful session and I feel that the children gained so much from it.

30.03.16 ~ Healthy Living Week ~ Skipping

Today, the whole school welcomed Jodie back from the Leeds Skipping School for a super day of workshops! In Y5, the children had so much fun learning new skills and improving their existing ones. At the end of the day, as a whole school we celebrated each classes achievements with a skipping show. This session promoted a healthy and fun way to keep active to all the children.

29.3.16 ~ D-SIDE Workshop

As part of Healthy Week, we welcomed D-SIDE Drugs Awareness to SPS once again. In class five, the children learnt all about solvents and how to use such products safely. We discussed solvent abuse and the dangers of this, alongside looking at 'risks' in every days life. The children were AMAZING and so mature. Well done all!

3.4.16 ~ Decorate an Egg

The class put so much effort into the annual 'Decorate an Egg' competition! Well done to all those who entered and to Grace Daniel and Josh McCartney who won!

23.3.16 ~ Maths Problem Solving and Reasoning

Today, the children were set a challenge of finding out what an odd number is/looks like and what an even number is/looks like. They then had to spot rules and patterns whilst creating visual representations of their findings!

18.3.16 ~ Sport Relief 2016
04.03.16 ~ World Book Day Performance Poetry

In school this week, we have been celebrating World Book Day (03.03.16) all week! Class 5 and 6 spent the day working with performance poets, Colin and Julie. Within the session, the children retold a tale about the life of William Shakespeare through poetry and movement. After this, they retold the story of 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' in five minutes! The children worked amazingly well! A huge 'well done' to Kacy, Josh M and Kailun for their superb solo singing!

01.03.16 ~ The Pyjama Party

To celebrate World Book Week, we held the annual 'Pajama Party' at school tonight. It was a super evening with a fantastic attendance.

29.2.16 ~ Tchoukball

This week, the children learnt the skills to play a game of 'tchoukball'. They had a fantastic time learning how to use the new equipment and beginning to understand the rules of the game. Next week, we hope to play a full game!

23.2.16 ~ Spring Poetry

This week, we went for a walk around the park to inspire our poetry writing! We have been learning how to use expanded noun phrases to make our writing descri

11.02.16 ~ The Talent Show

This year, the talent at SPS was amazing! It was so difficult to judge, but the Year Five winner was Isabella Birkby...simply fantastic singer Bella! Well done Kacy and Mia for their super singing (achieving second place) and finally the Year Five music group who sang their way into third place! Bella will represent SPS at LWA during Spring 2, alongside Kailun and Alice with their joint Y5/6 entry. Well done to all of the entrants thi

11.02.16 ~ Spring Disco

We all had a super time at the Spring Disco! The children all looked fantastic and had a super time...some very impressive dance moves were seen!

09.02.16 ~ Clay

As we have been learning about the Ancient Greeks, Mr Simon came into class to help us make our own Greek vases. We explored Greek patterns and designs and used these to help etch our own designs into the clay. Class Five would like to say a HUGE 'thank you' to Mr Simon!

09.02.16 ~ Pudsey Grangefield High School 'Dream' Performance

Today, a selection of children visited Pudsey Grangefield to see an adapted version of 'A Midsummer Nights Dream'. The performance was amazing and the children gained so much from this experience. Next term, we will be studying this text so I will expect to see some 'experts' in the classroom!

05.02.16 ~ Science ~ Forces

This term, we have been learning about 'force' in our science lessons. This session, the children learnt all about the discovery of gravity and began using Newton metres to measure the weight of objects around the room.

2.2.16 ~ Lion King Performance

Today, the children finished learning all of the routine for their Lion King dance routine. The students from LWA have been superb and the quality of the performance shows this. I am very very proud of all involved. Enjoy watching!

26.1.16 ~ Cooking in the Classroom

This term, Class Five are enjoying their 'Cooking in the Classroom' sessions. Today, the children learnt how to chop vegetables and prepare ingredients for a healthy meal which they could cook at home. This meal was tuna, cheese and past bake and every child succeeded in created the dish! Well done!

25.1.16 ~ Gymnastics

This term, the children are learning how to complete forward and back rolls accurately and safely. This session, we learnt how to balance, hold a good posture and position our legs and arms. Following this, the children began to complete successful forward rolls.

21.1.16 ~ iPad Workshop

Today, the children were incredibly lucky to have an iPad workshop run by a specialist Apple professional! This workshop was linked to the children's learning about the Ancient Greeks. Each child explored using 'notes' on the iPad to 'copy and paste' information from webpages into. Next, they learn how to screen capture images and save these to their camera roll. Finally, the children created a short film in iMovie which included all of the information they had researched! A super session, well done all!

12.1.16 ~ Lion King Workshop

This term, the whole class are very fortunate to receive a Lion King dance workshop, led by students from Leeds West Academy. Each week, we are learning new phrases of the dance and at the end of the process, the children will be invited to audition for a part in the show!

17.12.15 ~ Christmas Party Day

Today was our Christmas Party Day and what a super festive time we all had! Party food, games, dancing and even a visit from the man in red himself! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all!

10.12.15 ~ Graffiti Workshop

The children in Class Five were involved in a fantastic graffiti workshop, led by an exceptionally talented graffiti artist called Philip Hunter. The whole class were fully engaged with every aspect of the workshop - from the history of graffiti to the exciting practical tasks. Their work can be seen on display in the KS2 corridor.

11.12.15 ~ Textiles

Today, the children continued their printing and textiles unit. This session, Class Five learnt how to sew into fabric. This included learning how to thread a needle, begin stitching and sewing buttons onto fabric. A very challenging session but very rewarding. ALL children can now sew!

03.12.15 ~ Class Five Assembly

Today, the children enjoyed their class assembly. Parents and the whole school watched as the children spoke about all of their learning over the past term. I was incredibly proud of how well each child did...especially with their lines! Well done!

02.12.15 ~ Art ~ Printing and Textiles

The children continues their art project this term with Mrs Pritchatt. This session, the children printed their Victorian designs onto paper and material. Next week, the children will begin sewing into the fabric!

01.12.15 ~ Warbutons Workshop

Today, the children were involved in a bread making workshop from the Warbutons education team. Within the workshop, the children learnt all about the history of the company, the importance of a healthy balanced diet and food waste. Finally, the children had the opportunity to make their own bread! A fantastic session was had which the children thoroughly enjoyed.

30.11.15 ~ A Christmas Carol

This week, the children began working on their Christmas text, 'A Christmas Carol' by Charles Dickens. In order to learn the story, the children created story maps and used role play to tell each part of the story. I was very impressed with the children's acting skills!

18.11.15 ~ Roman Day Trip

To kick-start our learning about the Romans, class five went on a trip to the Leeds City Museum. The children had a fantastic time learning all about Roman artifacts, Roman soldier uniform and creating Roman helmets. We also got a chance to explore the museum! A super day and well worth a visit again!

13.11.15 ~ Children in Need

To support Children in Need 2015, the children dressed up as Superheroes! I was so impressed with the effort that all the children (and adults) went to. In class, our lessons were all hero themed, including Superhero PE!

11.11.15 ~ Music

The children had a fantastic time during this weeks music lesson. We are learning how to follow notation when playing an instrument.

05.11.15 ~ Art

This term, Class Five are lucky to have Mrs Pritchatt in class leading out art and DT sessions. This week, the children explored creating patterns. They will develop this each week in order to create a pattern onto fabric.

03.11.15~ Semaphore

During our computing lesson, the children learnt about semaphore and the importance of this with regards to communication. They practised sending messages representing letters using semaphore.

20.10.15 ~ Cyber Safety

SPS was chosen to pilot a new internet safety session that will be rolled out to schools across Leeds in future months. Class Five were chosen to receive the session, and made all of the visitors to the class incredibly pleased! The children asked thoughtful and insightful questions, showing excellent respect to Mr Thornton. Local radio station Pulse FM and the Yorkshire Evening Post were present and took photographs alongside interviewing the children! We will keep you updated as to when the paper is published.

19.10.15 ~ Fraction Fun

This week, the children in Class Five are learning about fractions. The children were asked to work as a team to create a fraction wall out of strips of paper. They had to fold the strips accordingly to create a true representation of a fraction wall and although incredibly tricky, they all worked incredibly well!

8.10.15 ~ Science ~ Dissolving

During this session, the children explored the term 'dissolve' and looked at what it takes to 'dissolve' something. The children then selected from a range of materials, and carried out an investigation to find out the different solids that dissolve in a range of materials!

Black History - 'Moving Words' Workshop

The children were introduced to Black History week by our favourite performance poets, Colin and Julie. This year, Class Five are learning about African slavery and are exploring the life of Olaudah Equiano, a famous black slave who was an important figure behind the abolition of slavery. What a super workshop this was - well done all!

17.09.15 ~ Science~ Exploring and Making Foam

During our science lessons this term, the children are learning about a range of different materials and their properties and uses. This week, the children explored what a foam is and how to make foam from egg whites, cream and marshmallows!

17.09.15 ~ Chess

Class Five enjoy playing chess every Thursday afternoon. I am very impressed by the children's skills already!

15.9.15 ~ School Council Speeches

The children wrote their own persuasive speeches to encourage their class mates to elect them as their student council class representative. The children read their speeches to the entire class and spoke incredibly clearly and confidently. It will be a tough decision!