Stanningley Primary School

Respect and Pride

Please ensure your contact details are kept up to date with the school office. We have care club places available on Mon, Tues, Wed and Friday please contact the school office for more information.

Curriculum Information  »  Reading  »  Information for Parents and Carers

Information for parents/carers.

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

There is no better indicator of a child's future success than whether or not they love reading (OECD 2002).

Research indicates that parents who regularly read with their children at home lay solid foundations for language and literacy development. It is a precious time for you both to relax, share your thoughts and feelings, have fun and chat together. Whilst sharing books, your child has your undivided attention, and the conversation, connection and enjoyment they experience is invaluable.

Early Reading Expectations

In line with the new Ofsted framework and Early Reading expectations, we have restructured our individual reading books in accordance with the phonics phase your child is currently working within. Your child will bring home a reading book that is closely matched to their current reading development.

The Early Reading expectations are that;
  • ‘Pupils read books in school and at home that match the sounds they can sound-blend and that have few exception words. Pupils re-read books to build up fluency.’
  • ‘Pupils do not read books at school or home that expect them to: guess words using pictures, context or repetitive refrains; learn words by sight without this being underpinned by sounds pupils know; decode words with sounds they have not been taught.’
Please support your child to read their reading book as independently as possible. We encourage the book to be read at least three times to help them practise fluency. If they find a word tricky, help them to sound out the word using the phonics skills they have learned at school (for more information see our phonics page). Please remember to complete your child’s reading log when you have read with them and to send their reading book back to school the following day.

Your child may also bring home a reading for pleasure book. Please support your child by reading this book to them or sharing the reading together. In KS2, even though your child may be able to read independently, we strongly encourage for you to still read with them regularly. Below is some information to help you support your child with their reading.