Stanningley Primary School

Respect and Pride

Please ensure your contact details are kept up to date with the school office. We have care club places available on Mon, Tues, Wed and Friday please contact the school office for more information. 

About Us  »  PE & Sports  »  Extra - Curricular Sports Clubs At S.P.S

Extra-Curricular School Clubs

At Stanningley Primary School, we believe in providing as many valuable and enjoyable experiences for our children as possible.  We run a wide variety of extra curricular school clubs where children have the opportunities to further develop skills and pursue their interests outside of the classroom.  Extra-curricular activities boost young people's confidence to interact socially with others; extend their social networks; and provide them with new skills and abilities. Above all, they offer an important safe space to have fun and relax. 

At Stanningley Primary School we offer a range of clubs throughout the academic year and make sure that these are aimed at a range of age groups.
Some of these are delivered by our staff whilst others are delivered by specialist companies, such as Yorkshire Cricket Board that we source carefully. 
Information about these clubs will be emailed out, from the School Office, as they are introduced throughout the year.  An example of the clubs on offer is shown below;

All children at Stanningley Primary who attend an After School Club must sign and agree the After School Clubs Contract.  We ask that parents and carers inform the school in writing or by phone if their child is unable to attend club, this is so we can ensure that ALL children are safe.  We ask that adults from home collect their children promptly at the end of after school clubs. 

Extra curricular activities at Stanningley Primary School

Improve your skipping skills and learn new moves by watching the video files.

Double Bounce
Click Jump Jump
Speed Bounce
Cross Over